Thursday, July 22, 2010


A wiki is an online database where people can view, add and edit information or data as they like.

It is a collaborative internet tool that allows for easy and organised communication.

A wiki provides a space for people to collaborate with others and share, organise and edit information for particular purposes.

A wiki space makes it easy to swap ideas and information.

"Wikis literally get everyone on the same page" (

Classroom context 

Wikispaces are a very effective tool to use in the classroom. Through the use and implementation of wikis in classroom learning the learning manager is allowing students the opportunity for collaboration with their peers. Social learning is able to be established as well as allowing students to engage in rich tasks where they can complete projects in groups to deepen their understanding as well as learn from their peers. Wikis are appealing and fun for students to use. They encourage participation, collaboration and interaction in the classroom. This aligns with the productive pedagogy's (QSA, 2008). Through the use of wikis in the classroom the educator is catering for different learning styles. The use of a wiki allows for those quieter students who may not feel confident to express or share their opinions or information, a space to put forward ideas and their own learning in a different way.

There are numerous ways to utilise wiki spaces in classroom learning. Some ways in which I have researched and would use in my own classroom learning environments are:

  • To create presentations (instead of PowerPoint and other typical forms of presentation tools).

  • To share and collect information for particular purposes

  • Peer review

  • Students portfolios

  • Peer editing

  • Group Projects

  • To create special places for the class (expectations and rules, must read books, resource areas)

  • Reach out to the community with resources everyone can appreciate (menus, recipes, book lists etc.
Please click on the link to take a look at my own wiki:


  1. Hey Tori,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog about wiki's. You seem to have taken a very pro-active response to using Wiki's in the classroom and have a range of sources to back up your decision. I agree that wikis can be engaging, create opportunities for social learning, and encourage participation, collaboration and interaction. You also mentioned that wiki's cater for different learning styles. This is a very important point, and one that I did not think of. Your blog is very informative and I can't wait to read what else you have to say. Thanks Tori keep up the good work.

  2. Hi Tori
    yes i agree wiki is a very effective learning tool. Collaborative learning is something that Queensland Education Dept promote to enhance learning and high order thinking and peer interaction. Wiki's are a great way to ensure all learners are interacting and cater for different learning styles (something i did not think of). I was wondering what age group would you start using a wiki?
    thanks for the great info

  3. Hi Tori,
    I enjoyed reading your information on wiki's, this is my first attempt at using them. I like the idea of colaboration for the class. I have been using mine to provide useful tips to digital users.

  4. Thank you for all your comments.

    After researching a bit more about wiki's I have come to the conclusion the I would use the a wiki with a middle to upper primary classroom. My reason for this being that students would need a sound literacy level to contribute to the wiki as well as have established the skills to be self directed learners. Although I would maybe attempt to have a play around with wiki's with younger learners for more informal purposes.
