Thursday, August 26, 2010


Youtube is a free to use website where you can view and download videos/clips for different purposes.
In relation to the teaching environment I find that youtube can be an effective digital tool for the teacher to use for specific teaching purposes, though there are some downfalls with using this digital tool in the classroom environment.

Benefits of Yotube:
  • Engage learners 
  • Use to hook students into a learning expererience or topic
  • Use to teach a content on a particular topic
  • Students can upload their own videos for sharing
Challenges of Youtube:
  • Not suitable to allow students to search for video clips as their is alot of inappropriate content on the website
  • Alot of junk so can be time consuming to find what is needed
To overcome such challenges their is a website called teachertube with educationally sound video clips that can be used for teaching purposes. Here a link to a video clip that could be used to introduce students into a learning experience about the environment.

Students could view this clip at the beginning of the learning experience to be hooked into a topic. From then the teacher will scaffold learning experiences around this video clip where students reflect on what they saw and the ideas that the video possessed. 

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